JR De Guzman, winner of the 2016 Stand-up NBC nationwide search for comedians of diverse backgrounds and featured in Netflix’s “The Comedy Lineup,” will take the stage at Irvine Improv on June 14-16. We...
Javier’s Crystal Cove reinvestment follows the success of its 2021 reinvestment at Irvine Spectrum Center, which created an enormous 5,600-square-foot patio surrounded by lush palms, banana trees and birds of paradise. “Customers gasp when...
A stunning expanse of open space southeast of Irvine Lake is now open for public enjoyment. Red Rock Wilderness offers over 8 miles of new trails for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. Situated...
1. Irish dance Explore the ancient origins of Irish step dance at “Celtic Throne: The Royal Journey of Irish Dance,” presented by Armstrong Dance on its fifth U.S. tour. Irvine Barclay Theatre, 7:30 p.m....
Looking for a summer plan for your kids that promises more than fun? Consider the popular UC Irvine Sports Camps, where participants play baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, track and field, volleyball and water polo,...
One of the most beautiful restaurants in Orange County just got more beautiful. The patio at Javier’s in Newport Beach has doubled in size: Its ceilings are higher, its colors more sophisticated and its...
Employees from a prominent Irvine company recently stepped out of the office and into the community for CoreLogic Cares Day: an initiative encouraging staff to volunteer. “We’re a pace-setting organization, but we really do...
Happy summer! Want to get out and have some fun, but don’t want to spend any money? Here are things you can do that won’t cost you anything at all. And here’s where you can...
The oldest of French couture houses opened in late May at South Coast Plaza. Lanvin’s boutique at the Costa Mesa retail center tucks into a minimalistic and sleekly designed 1,540 square feet. The architectural concept...
July 1 All day Whether your kids are picky eaters or naturally adventurous, expand their palates this summer on us. Culinary Adventures at The Market Place, a kids-eat-free dining initiative, invites children to venture...