Employees from a prominent Irvine company recently stepped out of the office and into the community for CoreLogic Cares Day: an initiative encouraging staff to volunteer.

“We’re a pace-setting organization, but we really do want to try to lift people up at the same time,” said CoreLogic President and CEO Patrick Dodd as he joined about 50 colleagues to pack food and hygiene kits for the Orangewood Foundation, which supports young people facing homelessness and unemployment. “These types of opportunities provide people with the chance to take a break from their day to meet other people and give back.”

Patrick Dodd

More than 280 employees participated across the county, including at two other Irvine locations. Teams made blankets and wrote cards at The Joy Factory, and they sorted and packed donations at the Families Forward Food Pantry. The group also participated in beach cleanups and habitat restorations in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Seal Beach as well as worked with Habitat for Humanity’s Playhouse Program in Santa Ana.

We asked Dodd about the event.

How did CoreLogic Cares Day start?

We had this voluntary, part-time benefit for employees, but the awareness of it wasn’t that well-known. A group of people came to me and said, ‘What do you think about having everybody come at once and having one of the days be a whole company event?’

What’s the benefit of declaring a specific day?

Employees are seeing that leadership is encouraging them. Every one of my executive team is doing something today, somewhere in the world. It’s also a great way for us as a team to come together.

What about remote employees?

If you’re not close to anybody, we’ve set up other places to volunteer. We wanted to create a platform so it’s easier for people to join in. It makes it inclusive. The employee resource groups all punch above their weight on days like today.